Empowerment Abuse: “He Raped Me With His Eyes”

A guy can go on trial for what his eyes do. He can be found guilty and sent to jail with just a lingering stare. It’s open season for any male who has eyes. This next part is a true story.

The following encounter happened while I was in a bar this week. Read on. The outcome is absurd.

“He raped me,” said the twenty-something, “with his fucking eyes!”

I couldn’t help myself when I replied. “Say what?”

“Rape. That pig back there just raped me!”

She wasn’t joking. And she was mad as hell about it.

She wasn’t upset just a minute beforehand. She was laughing and joking. She was even enjoying the attention of another male on the other side of the room. She and Jenny said something to each other in quiet confidence and then the girl backed away and said words I could make out just fine. “I want the security guard to remove him from the bar — for raping me.”

According to Ms 20, he‘d just had non-consensual sex with her. I was horrified. The man hadn’t said a word to her. No actions. Just eyes. I was there. I saw it.

What’s worse is Jenny agreed with her.

I felt the temperature starting to rise in my head. I’ve no time for imbeciles (Yes, female imbeciles exist). There was no sex. No touching at all — but she said rape. She used the ‘R’ word liberally. She abused it. This wasn’t responsible adulting. If she can’t handle being an adult in an adult environment, she shouldn’t go to adult bars where adults gather.

And what about the lonely women who struggle to get dates because men fear making the first move? They get to listen to these imbeciles do this crap to men, knowing that what they’re doing makes their job just that much harder.

He raped me with his eyes? OH FFS!

If you’re so frightened, leave! A raped woman wouldn’t stay in the place where it happened. She’d leave and never come back.

Did she leave? No, Ms 20 didn’t do that. She ordered another drink, sat down, and settled in for the night, mumbling and grumbling at various intervals while making eyes at boy number two.

Rape? No. There was no rape. It was empowerment abuse. She went too far. She was/is a dangerous person.

It’s totally possible that, sometime in the near future, an innocent man will wind up dead in a car park and another one will go to jail for this imbecile’s poisonous tongue.

You’re a disgrace to womanhood Ms 20. Go home.


Inspired by the novel SEETHINGS.

‘Forman’s writing style is artful, with the protagonist Mitchell’s warped thought processes masterfully exposed. The author has a powerful and vivid command of language and his word pictures are stark and disturbingly real.’

Linda J Bettenay, author of ‘Secrets Mothers Keep’ and ‘Wishes For Starlight’

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