Charlene’s Private Bath Routine

Every day, I was drawn to the creek, hoping to glimpse Charlene taking a dip. She was a vision, her hair cascading like a waterfall as she bathed in the clear, cool water. The sun would glint off her skin, making her look like some ethereal creature from a dream.

I loved her. I had for as long as I could remember. Yet, I was paralyzed by my own shyness. My words turned to dust in my throat whenever I thought about telling her how I felt. So, I kept my distance, watching her from the shelter of the trees, my heart pounding in my chest.

Charlene would hum softly to herself, a melody that blended perfectly with the creek sound. Her laughter, bright and clear, would echo through the forest, and I would close my eyes, savouring the sound.

I knew watching her in her private moments was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. I longed to be near her, to protect her, to be the one who made her laugh. But my fear held me back. So, I remained silent, hidden in the shadows, dreaming of a courage I never seemed to find.



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