
Actions and Consequences

Throughout history, humanity has displayed an innate desire to be God, reaching well beyond the boundaries of our natural limitations. From advancements in science and technology to the manipulation of life itself, humans push the limits of what is possible. But is it for better or worse? As we delve into these pursuits, we often […]

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Self Reflection In The Glass Of A Viewfinder

Artists can learn more about themselves if they take the time to look in from the other side of their art. Photographer Mitchell is about to find out more as he recognises what’s been happening to him the moment just before he presses the shutter button on his camera. SEETHINGS and SEETHINGS 2 are the first two trilogy

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Great Heroes Require Quality Villains. They’re Compulsory, So the Hero Can Rise and Win Big.

Villains do fiction a great big favour. Without a certain kind of evil present in stories, heroes can’t develop into what they are meant to become. Thank God for the darker elements of humanity and the baddest of bad boys (or girls) to show our heroes (and readers) the way into the light. What about

Great Heroes Require Quality Villains. They’re Compulsory, So the Hero Can Rise and Win Big. Read More »