Dammit! It’s Out!

Independent publishing is a long process – challenging from conception to print. It’s a miracle any book makes it out there at all!

Listen to the Author

It’s far more than just dreaming and writing. There’s the plot mapping, character development, editing, structure, text formatting, the cover graphic and title, and then promotion and marketing to include.

Once a new book is done, it looks for an audience on the open market. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen easily or automatically. Regarding indie-made stuff, part of that responsibility comes down to the person who wrote it. It’s then up to the audience to lend a helping hand to do the rest.

I’m happy to announce that the new dark fiction novel I’ve spoken so much about is finally out.

WordPress readers, indie supporters, and every dark fiction fan out there now have an opportunity to take a new trip into my amazing side of mental darkness: SEETHINGS 2.

To encourage genuine book reviews on Goodreads, I’m inviting readers to take part in my indie-publishing journey. Please do a short review of the new novel once you’ve completed reading it. Review it on G/R’s, AND I’ll send you a signed paperback of SEETHINGS, the prequel. Just follow this link to the page from where it can be downloaded.

Enjoy the new book, do a review, get a free signed book in the post, and have a great day knowing you did something good for independent publishing!


p.s. A synopsis is available at the end of this link.

A Sailing Affair
Two Random Victims
Childless Couple
Charm Bracelet
Author: M.Forman

‘Forman’s writing style is artful, with the protagonist Mitchell’s warped thought processes masterfully exposed. The author has a powerful and vivid command of language and his word pictures are stark and disturbingly real.’

-Linda J Bettenay, author of ‘Secrets Mothers Keep’ and ‘Wishes For Starlight’

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